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Family Caregiver Day 2023 Toolkit

It's Family Caregiver Day once again!

This Tuesday, April 4, 2023, we need your help once again to advocate for better supports for caregivers

While we at the Ontario Caregiver Coalition strive to be the voice of caregivers, it is important that decision-makers, policy influencers, and other past, current, and future caregivers hear directly from caregivers too. We can give people all the facts about why they need to act to help caregivers – but your stories bring to life why they need to act now. To that end, our theme this year is “Caregiving costs”. We have heard from many of you about the challenges you face as a caregiver, whether it's money, time, energy, other relationships, or just a lack of autonomy to make care decisions, and we want to show people what that means. To learn more, read our news release.

If you want to get involved, here's what you can do if you have...

.... 5 minutes:

  • Follow us and Like, Share or Retweet our content on Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter as it gets posted throughout the day.

… 15 minutes

  • Post on your social media platforms, or, “Quote Tweet” or Share, our content from our Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter using our social media resources, key messages, and sample posts on your preferred social media platform and tell your story.

  • Make sure to use the hashtag #FamilyCaregiverDay and/or tag the Ontario Caregiver Coalition

… 30 minutes

  • Write an email to your local MPP to tell your story and ask them to support our ask for the Standing Committee on Social Policy to study how to address financial distress among caregivers.

  • Find them here:

... the resources of an organization

Thank you again for your ongoing support. We wish you a very happy Family Caregiver Day.

Best regards,

Daniel Nowoselski

Chair, Communications and Awareness Committee

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